Coming in 2023
Coming in 2023

NFTs with Actual Value

No, these NFTs aren't just pictures stored on the web. NFTs here have a real use in the game. They can boost your powers, or you can use them to earn real money. Craft valuable items by yourself and turn them into NFTs right in the game! Sell them in-game or on NFT marketplaces.
No, these NFTs aren't just pictures stored on the web. NFTs here have a real use in the game. They can boost your powers, or you can use them to earn real money. Craft valuable items by yourself and turn them into NFTs right in the game! Sell them in-game or on NFT marketplaces.
Coming in 2023
Coming in 2023

Choose your NFT

Pilot 008
Pirate 005
Cyborg 003
Scientist 001
Captain 001
Mech Emperor
Captain 002

Character Portraits

Want to be unique? Buy an NFT character portrait. You can use this portrait for yourself or let other players rent it out, paying you the rental fee. The choice is yours!
Brown Dwarf
Uranus Hot

Stars and Planets

Star owners earn a cut from every trade that happens in the system, including deals on planets and starbases. Planet owners earn a cut from trades occurring on them or in their orbits, from planets and orbital space stations to specialized bases and satellites.
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!

Space Stations

Space stations may vary from huge and crowded to small and specialized. Here, Strangers can trade, research new technologies, craft items, and so on. Station owners receive a cut from every trade or operation that happens there.
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
ALL on opensea


There are three kinds of superpacks out there: silver, gold, and platinum. Each superpack contains a random amount of STG tokens, random devices, and NFT ships. Items are ranked from common to legendary. The more expensive the pack is, the higher the chance to get a legendary reward!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
Sale is coming soon, stay tuned!
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Receive exclusive information and insights into the world of Star Strangers, chat with other players, and stay up-to-date on the latest important events